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How Call-to-Actions Improve Your Conversions

The way people interact with your website has changed significantly over the past decade, and the way you can use this to your advantage in marketing your business has evolved accordingly. Visitors come to your site to do one of two things: buy your product or service, or learn more about what you have to offer (referred to as lead generation). Without an effective call-to-action that invites users to take action, you could miss out on hundreds of potential leads and sales every month.

What is a CTA?

A call to action (CTA) is a marketing message or phrase that encourages users to take a specific action. Examples include Click here, Buy now, and Learn more. A clickable CTA can appear in several places throughout a website and on other platforms, including: on your website’s homepage, in image and video ads; at the top of articles; and throughout social media sites. They are hyperlinks, which will catch a user’s attention and direct them to a place where they can perform the action you want. CTAs are incredibly important when it comes to digital marketing and lead generation. Without a doubt, CTAs can and will help increase your conversions.

Without a CTA, your potential customers will probably be confused as to what you’re selling. Remember, you want to get their attention and direct them to complete a transaction as soon as you can and in the highest numbers possible. Let them know what you want them to do, without making them do the heavy lifting!

What is a conversion?

A conversion is simply a point at which a user performs an action you want them to take. In digital marketing, there are usually three main types of conversions that marketers track: form submissions, goal completions and purchases. It’s important to identify what your goals are, then design strategies based on those goals to optimise your website for conversions. The term conversion also applies outside of digital marketing – it can refer to any type of transition from one stage in a process to another.

What makes a good call to action?

A well-crafted call-to-action let’s users know that there is something of high value and importance just around the corner, but that there’s no headaches or high risks involved. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you want to click on a link if you thought there were 10 steps ahead where you might have to submit a treasure trove of personal information, and would you even bother clicking if the value of your click wasn’t self-explanatory beforehand? The data shows that you probably wouldn’t.

Make sure the CTA uses strong, clear and inviting language. You’ll get brownie points if you ensure that what you promise your users is what they’ll actually get upon clicking your link. Remember; high value propositions with low risk. We recommend you contact a professional content or copywriter to assist you in getting your message concise and effective.

How many CTAs should I use?

How many times have you come across a reputable website page that has no call-to-action at all? Probably not in a long time. With so much competition out there, failing to utilise your CTA’s can actually work against you. If your audience doesn’t know what you want them to do, they aren’t going to do it.

That said, there’s also a fine line between using too many and not enough calls-to-action. The short answer is that it depends. To ensure you implement a healthy amount of CTAs, seek the guidance of a professional Website Designer or Digital Marketing Specialist.

Want to learn more about Lead Generation?

For tips on how to optimise your website for SEO in 2022, check out our previous blog here.

Get in touch with us on our website here, or through our live chat. Alternatively, feel free to phone our digital team at 045409984.

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