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Why WordPress is More Popular Than Ever

3 Reasons why WordPress is No.1

WordPress is an amazing Content Management System (CMS), used by millions of people. A CMS is an integrated platform used for making all kinds of websites. Formerly just a platform for blogging, WordPress has evolved and expanded to become the most popular CMS. Within the market share of CMS, it was found that WordPress accounted for 60.2%. As of last year, however, websites that were designed on WordPress had become 30% of all the websites on the entire internet. This percentage had risen from 25% in 2015 and there’s no sign of this platform’s popularity slowing down.

So why is WordPress so popular when it comes to web design? Well here three great reasons as to why WordPress comes out on top.

1. Flexibility and Customisation

WordPress enables designers to create a wide variety of websites, including e-commerce websites and online shops. One of the best things about the platform is that designers have so much room to put their own stamp on a website, both visually and internally.

You have access to themes and templates, which can be utilised as a foundation of your design. The opportunities for ideas and inspiration are almost limitless. Additionally, you can have multiple user access so more than one person in your business can upload new posts for example.

2. Plugins, So Many Plugins! 

Speaking of customisation, WordPress allows users to install many different kinds of software plugins. These WordPress plugins perform and enable fantastic new features to websites that would otherwise be difficult or impossible. There are so many benefits of WordPress plugins, such as;

  • Being able to transform a brochure website into an e-commerce website or vice versa.
  • Activate state of the art security to protect from hackers.
  • Create safety backups and updates with ease.
  • Enable live-chat pop ups for customers.

3. SEO

You can pay to have a visually stunning and modern website designed for your business. However without good SEO, nobody is going to see it!

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of increasing your website’s ranking in Google search results, using a variety of ongoing web techniques. If you run a business and want customers to know about your services, trust us, you’ll want to have good functioning SEO. If you want to know more details about how SEO works and why it is so effective, see our previous blog!

WordPress provides a big advantage in terms of SEO. As mentioned above, plugins are extremely useful when it comes to designing and maintaining a website. There are amazing plugin SEO software names in the industry, who cater to WordPress, such as Yoast. A website’s speed impacts the overall SEO ranking and speed plugins are also a fantastic addition to WordPress. Using WordPress plugins you can increase the quality of optimisation by;

  • Optimising/shrinking images and files.
  • Adding meta-titles and descriptions to your web-pages.
  • Increasing your website’s speed.

However, there are also actions that designers and marketers can perform internally on WordPress websites to increase SEO ranking without the use of plugins:

  • WordPress offers the chance to customise permalinks, by adding relevant keywords and phrases to the URL of a page.
  • You also have the option to add Alt-tags to images directly in the WordPress settings.

ITM Digital works every day on designing high quality websites for clients using WordPress. If you’re interested in having a WordPress website designed for you or your business, then get in touch with the experts today!

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ITM Digital works every day on designing high quality websites for clients using WordPress. If you’re interested in having a WordPress website designed for you or your business, then get in touch with the experts today!

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