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Safeguarding Your Website: A 2024 Guide To Robust Web Security

In an ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, safeguarding your website is no longer a choice but a necessity. As we step into 2024, the need for robust website security has become more critical than ever. For Irish business owners managing websites that process customer transactions or handle sensitive personal information, the importance of web security cannot be overstated. A breach not only jeopardises the trust of clientele but can also carry severe legal and financial consequences.

At ITM Digital, we recognise the risks and nuances of online security. In this blog, we’ll delve into five essential security measures to help shield your website from potential cyber threats this year.

1) SSL Encryption

Begin by ensuring your website displays the essential layer of web security – the SSL Certificate. This encryption not only shields your website but also safeguards user interactions. Imperative for e-commerce platforms, the SSL badge, prominently displayed in the URL, has become a symbol of trust. Beyond security, installing an SSL certificate promptly not only protects you and your users but also earns recognition from Google, positively impacting your SEO ranking.

2) Login Security

Address the common pitfalls of weak passwords by emphasising the importance of strong, complex combinations. For websites with CMS logins, particularly on platforms like WordPress, the risk of hacking through brute force attacks is prevalent. Introduce the crucial concept of two-factor authentication (2FA), an additional layer of security providing personalised, one-off codes to users’ phones or emails after the initial password input. 

3) Secure Hosting

Not all hosting platforms are equal. It’s essential to know if your website is on a secure provider. Hackers often target sites on servers lacking sufficient security measures. Ensuring your hosting platform prioritises security is paramount for shielding your website from potential vulnerabilities and unauthorised access, reinforcing the resilience of your online presence.

4) Update Internal Software

Failing to update your website’s software can leave it vulnerable to cyber threats, essentially becoming an easy target for hackers. Ensure the ongoing security of your site by regularly updating themes and website plugins to incorporate the latest versions.

5) Create Backups

When did you last backup your website? Does your hosting provider automate backups? Though considering worst-case scenarios isn’t exactly thrilling, it’s wise. While employing security measures reduces the risk, there’s still a slight chance of corruption due to hacking or mistakes. The solution is regular backups, acting as a digital insurance policy. For larger websites, strategise storage and, if needed, delete older backups to free up space. A backup ensures you have a secure file for quick recovery if all else fails.

Need Some Help?

While the above insights provide a foundational understanding of website security, the constantly changing landscape of cyber threats may call for expert help. If you’re ready to fortify your digital domain in 2024, our Naas team at ITM Digital Kildare is equipped to deliver comprehensive website security solutions.

ITM offers comprehensive website maintenance packages, where we’ll look after everything proactively, so you aren’t waiting until something goes wrong. Contact us today at 045 409984 or email info@itmdigital.ie and let’s build a secure future for your website.

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